En 1978, la entonces TSR Games, lanzó al mercado el Player's Handbook para la familia de juegos del Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Un libro que contenía todo lo que un jugador necesitaba saber para jugar apropiadamente Calabozos y Dragones Avanzado a finales de los 70: personajes, niveles de experiencia, equipo, conjuros, y muchas otras cosas más. En la primera columna de la página 7 se puede encontrar el siguiente párrafo con la definición de Role-Playing Game:
"A fantasy role playing game is an exercise in imagination and personal creativity. The organizer of the campaign, the Dungeon Master, must use the system to devise an individual and unique world. Into this world of weird monsters, strange peoples, multitudinous states, and fabulous treasures of precious items and powerful magic stride fearless adventurers - you and your fellow players. Inexperienced and of but small power at first, by dint of hard fighting and clever deeds, these adventurers advance in ability to become forces to be reckoned with -high priests or priestesses, lords, wizards and arch-magi, master thieves. The abilities of each adventurer are fixed, but even such characteristics as strength, intelligence, and wisdom are mutable in a fantasy world. By means of group co-operation and individual achievement, an adventurer can become ever more powerful. Even death loses much of its sting, for often the character can be resurrected, or reincarnated. And should that fail there is always the option to begin again with a new character. Thus ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS is, as are most role playing games, open-ended. There is no "winner", no final objective, and the campaign grows and changes as it matures." (Las negrillas son mías)
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